Sun 03 Apr 2022 00:08

Recognised as one of the UK’s leading concussion awareness and education resources, the RFU’s HEADCASE programme aims to increase understanding and provide information on concussion and other related topics, including how to prevent and manage suspected concussions.

To complete one of the free online education HEADCASE modules please click link below under concussion management:

For general information on concussion and the HEADCASE programme see the RFU's General Information page

Concussion Prevention

Concussion can occur any day in the street, on school playgrounds and in the workplace. Rugby is a contact sport and, while it is impossible to completely remove the risk of concussion, there are a number of measures which can markedly reduce the risk and prevent concussions occurring.

In age grade rugby, coaches, teachers and parents must encourage players to report concussions that occur during games and training sessions, and to report concussions that occur out of rugby. It is also essential that parents communicate with both the school and club to ensure there is full understanding and cooperation in the management of a player’s suspected concussion and their return to learning and playing.

In adult rugby, coaches and team mates must encourage players to report concussions occurring during games and training sessions, and to report concussions that occur out of rugby.

Players should not only communicate with the club but also their workplace/university to ensure there is full understanding and cooperation in the management of their suspected concussion, along with their return to work/learning and playing.

All concussive incidents will also be reported to Hampshire RFU so that they can support ther player's return to play.

Playing Consequences 

If a player shows any signs of concussion he/she must not be allowed to continue playing or to return to the game. The player must be evaluated by a first aider or medical practitioner.

Concussion Management

A Player who has suffered a confirmed concussion will not play or undertake any contact training or other physical activity for a minimum of 2 weeks following cessation of symptoms. Children must have returned to school or full studies before recommencing exercise and must have been declared fit after proper medical examination. Such declaration must be recorded in a written form by the person who carried out the medical examination of the player. In age grade Rugby, our club will follow the 2 week minimum period as mandatory and the Graduated Return to Play. After the 14 day rest period, adult players will be subject to a further 4 days of gradual Return To Play and age grade players will be subject to a further 8 days before assessment for return to full contact rugby is permitted.

The following guidance may be of assistance in recognising concussion. It must be acknowledged however, that each incident must be assessed on its individual merits and characteristics. It should be noted that the symptoms of concussion can present at any time but typically become evident in the first 24-48 hours following a head injury. They may include the following:

  • loss of consciousness
  • loss of memory, confusion and disorientation
  • double or blurred vision
  • giddiness or unsteadiness
  • vomiting and headache

All first aid kits should have updated Headcase cards to provide the parents of any player who has a suspected concussion.

Basingstoke RFC requires all players who are following the Graduated Return to Play procedures to complete the players' online concussion training.

ALL Basingstoke RFC PLAYERS, COACHES, VOLUNTEER AND PARENTS are STRONGLY encouraged to take the 20 minute online education HEADCASE modules: which will explain what concussion is, how it happens and what you can do to support the RFU'S Headcase Prgramme and a player's recovery.

ALL Basingstoke players who have suffered a suspected or confirmed concussion will follow the RFU Graduated Return to Play with their own individual record which is managed by the Team Manager and an appointed first aider. Final Stage 5 assessments will be undertaken by a suitably qualified Coach and emergency First Aider.

A copy of this record will also be retained by the relevant Rugby Safe Lead.

Each player's concussion will also be reported to Hampshire RFU so that schools can be informed of the need to monitor their graduated return to play. This partnership working is key to the successful safeguarding of our players.  For further information regarding concussion management can be found here:

  • Hampshire's Concussion page can be found here
  • Full information from the RFU about HEADCASE can be found here.

Youth Concussion Club reporting form 2020 - 21   Download

Adult Concussion Club reporting form 2020- 21   Download

HRFU Adult concussion flowchart 2018 -  Download 

HRFU Youth concussion flowchart 2018 -  Download

HRFU Adult GRTP checklist 2019-20 -   Download

HRFU Youth GRTP checklist 2019-20 -  Download

Hampshire RFU Headcase information for players and parents -   Download
